Awakening World

Awakening World

What Do You Get When You Combine A Holistic Coaching Course With EFT Training?

Separately, Holistic/Spiritual Coaching and the EFT techniques are transformational tools. Together, you have a match made in heaven! The combination of coaching and healing is incredibly powerful. If you’ve ever considered becoming a Holistic Coach, Spiritual Coach, or Life Coach, you can supercharge your results with the addition of EFT Training.
Not Familiar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)?
It’s a simple emotional healing tool that involves tapping on a short series of points on the body. Within a few minutes, EFT often produces results by reducing or completely eliminating the emotional charge. It’s so powerful that many people now call it a modern miracle.
What are the exact benefits of adding a healing tool like EFT to your coaching practice?
Here are three wonderful benefits of combining coaching and healing:
1. Greater Clarity and Better Problem Solving. We all know what it’s like to be tormented by fear, uncertainty, anxiety, stress, and other disturbing emotions. And the truth is that it is very difficult to be clear-headed when these kinds of disturbances cloud the mind. When you reduce or eliminate this emotional upheaval, you are in a much more resourceful state to develop a clear strategy for reaching a goal in virtually any area of life.
2. More Effective Action. With a clearly defined goal and direction, your clients are much more likely to take effective action. Many people are active. In fact, most people are overly busily, but this doesn’t translate into good results. The fact is that without a clear, strategic plan, all of this activity can lead to nowhere.
3. Greater Success and Sense of Accomplishment. With effective action, the obvious result is more success in less time. This builds confidence, which in turn creates even more success.
Coaching is a highly rewarding profession for those who want to help people to create more health, happiness, wealth, balance, inner peace, and more. Even beyond the personal satisfaction, helping people to be their personal best could also be seen as a spiritual calling, helping to make the world a better, healthier, and more peaceful place one individual at a time.
With this in mind, it pays to have the best tools available to get the job done. An added bonus with the EFT Technique is that just about anyone can do it. When you teach clients how to do EFT, you are empowering them to create the most amazing possible lives. A person who is afraid of public speaking may find it well in reach with just a little EFT. Similarly, a person who has issues with money may clear them and open to giving and receiving money with ease, leading to a highly abundant life.
These are just a couple of examples of what is possible with EFT. It is effective with stress reduction, weight loss, performance issues, pain, and much more.
Want to learn more about EFT?
Get more information about Awakenings Institute's Holistic Coaching Course with EFT Training at
This site also provides a wealth of information about reaching into the heart and soul of success with EFT and energy healing.