Awakenings Institute was born with this dream:
Imagine a world where love is the guiding force,
where the unique gifts that each individual brings receive honor and respect,
where all are nurtured in allowing their gifts to blossom,
to manifest the joy of living in each moment…
where the unique gifts that each individual brings receive honor and respect,
where all are nurtured in allowing their gifts to blossom,
to manifest the joy of living in each moment…
Imagine a world where all of nature is also honored,
so all may live in harmony and share an increasingly vibrant
and beautiful environment…
so all may live in harmony and share an increasingly vibrant
and beautiful environment…
What we imagine we can create, starting in this moment.
This vibrant world will come into being as each of us empowers ourselves
to live the dream now and share it with others. Playing a part in the creation
of this dream is the mission of Awakenings.
to live the dream now and share it with others. Playing a part in the creation
of this dream is the mission of Awakenings.
In this dream, there is no poverty, because everyone is nurtured and loved. This love also eliminates the focus on fear and separation as we bridge the divisions created by race, creed, and national borders to co-exist together in harmony. The environment synchronously benefits everyone, as people all over the world shift their focus to a more holistic approach that creates balance rather than congesting our home planet with chemicals and toxic fumes.
The limitation we currently experience is an illusion. Miracles are are all around us, ready for the taking. We just have to raise our vibrations so we can perceive them and take hold of the miraculous opportunities that are here for all of us now.
Increasing our connections with our wholeness, which we may experience as God, the creator, the source or simply the oneness, brings us closer to making this dream a reality. We have an inherent connection with divine order. As we progress spiritually, we unite more with our inner wisdom, which, in turn, strengthens our connection with all-that-is. This evolutionary quest is an upward spiral, taking us to higher levels of consciousness and wholeness.
Anne Frank once said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” If you want to help to make the world a better place, start now, wherever you are, in whatever way you feel called to serve.
Humanity is at a crossroad. It's time to step up and put your gifts and talents to action, to make the difference you want to make by creating tremendous success. The steps you take to lift yourself to a lighter and more joyful way of being paves the way for others and ultimately helps the whole word to awaken to a new realm of possibilities.
Awakenings Institute's Main Website, where you can find out more about the organization and its offerings.
Get your FREE Heart of Success Roadmap at Awakening's Heart of Success Academy website, which helps heart-centered professionals to create tremendous success.